Why is it so EASY to GAIN WEIGHT during the HOLIDAYS?

I’m sure you have pondered this question, for it is no secret that we all tend to put on a few pounds during this magical time of year! For many of us across the globe, it is a tradition to ring in the New Year with our belts loosened and seams bursting. Read on for 5...

College Weight Gain

Are you destined to gain the Freshman Fifteen? Students today are faced with the serious reality of unwanted weight gain as they enter college. A recent study by Cornell University found that, on average, college freshmen gain about 0.5 pounds a week... This is almost...

Burn Fat Naturally And Healthily

Natural weight loss is a big topic today for numerous people who do not comprehend the principle of eating only the quantity they need for the amount of physical activity they perform; but how many people receive notice of this? The ability to burn fat is based on...

Dietary Weapons of Mass Distraction (WMD)

As hoards of low-carb proponents invade the nutritional landscape, the increasingly tired low-fat guard seems to be giving way before their steady march and drumbeat. This invasion is a preemptive strike to find and remove the stockpiled food molecules that could be...

How To Lose Belly Fat & Get A Flat, Toned Stomach In 7 Easy Steps

If you are like most women, especially most women over 40, getting rid of belly fat seems like an impossibility.  As a woman over 40 myself, I’m here to tell you, that it is not only possible but is much easier than you think.  Follow these tips, toss away...

Recommended Supplements for Weight Loss

There is a lot of confusion about weight loss supplementation, how to use it, what to use, and how much to use. In this article you will find the pick of today’s latest supplements on the market and armed with the right information you will have the knowledge to burn...




Random Quote

Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food.

— Hippocrates

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