10 Tips To Help You Stay Comitted & Consistant

If you are like most Americans, you are embarking on a new fitness program about now. Within 6 weeks, many people will drop out; half will quit within 6 months, and less than one-third of those who begin a fitness program will still be exercising by the end of their...

Garden of Life Probiotics Review

Discover the benefits of Garden of Life Probiotics for Women. Improve your digestive, vaginal, and immune health with this powerful supplement. Certified organic and dairy-free, it’s the convenient choice for a healthier you.

Take The die Out of Dieting

Tips For Stress-Free Weight Loss If You are sick of losing the same weight over and over, tired of counting "carbs" and worrying about what you "can't eat" or feeling like a failure because your last "diet" didn't work, try these "stress free" tips. You will not only...

A Message To Overweight Kids or Teens

If you are overweight or obese, don't be afraid to ask your parents for help. I know that you may think they are too busy, don't think it is a problem, or will just tell you to "eat less and get up and move instead of sitting around all the time". It isn't quite that...

Helping Your Child Develop the Fitness Habit

While most children are born healthy and fit, not all of them remain that way. Doing so depends in great part on four factors: environment, attitude, knowledge, and lifestyle. All of these elements are within your control. In honor of National Physical Fitness &...

Fiber For Weight Loss

A healthy diet will always lead to a healthy body and weight. And maintaining a healthy body and weight can sometimes be a hard goal to achieve. But thankfully, health communities have come up with diet plans to help you lose fat and maintain your ideal body weight....




Random Quote

One-quarter of what you eat keeps you alive.
The other three-quarters keeps your doctor alive.

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